Injury Time

Some questions/answers on Injury Time:

If time is called for a player who is bleeding, injured or ill, does that player have to come off the court?
YES. The bleeding, injured or ill player must leave the court within 30 seconds and receive treatment off the court. The
primary care person is only permitted to take the court to assess the player’s medical condition and to assist the player
from the court.

If time is called for a player who is bleeding, injured or ill, can that player be treated on court within the
30 seconds?
NO. Treatment is no longer permitted to take place on court. The bleeding, injured or ill player must leave the court
within 30 seconds and receive treatment off the court.

For blood, is it the bleeding player who must leave the court or is it the player who had blood on them that must
leave the court, or both?
Under Rule 9.3.1, the umpires hold time for blood when noticed or when requested by an on-court player. Any player with blood must
leave the court for this to be cleaned. As such, both the player who is bleeding and any player with blood on them
would need to leave the court. The player(s) must leave the court within 30 seconds and receive treatment off the
court. Time will not normally be given to clean up players on the court. However, in the event that several players are
affected, the umpires may decide to take whatever action they deem to be appropriate.

If a player has to leave the court for injury/illness or blood, can a substitution be made for that player?
YES. During the stoppage, both teams may make substitutions and/or team changes, provided these are completed
within the time allowed. There is no limit to the number of substitutions, provided the players used are those named for
the match.

What if our team decides not to replace the injured/ill or bleeding player, or has no substitutes? Can the injured/ill
or bleeding player return to the court after receiving treatment?
YES. If the injured player’s position is left vacant, that player, or a substitute, may subsequently, after advising the
umpire, take the court immediately after one of the following:
• A goal has been scored – in this case the player or the substitute must play in the position left vacant.
• A stoppage for injury/illness or blood
• At an interval.

Can a player move into the court surround to receive treatment for a minor illness/injury or blood without calling
time, and then continue playing?
NO. A player having no contact with the ball may only move outside the court for the purpose of repositioning back
onto the court [Rule 8.3.2(ii)]. If this occurs the umpire will award a Free Pass on court (near where the player left
the court).

RESTART SIGNAL – after an injury.

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