Leonard Masao – IUA Status


Well deserved.

Big thanks also to your co-umpire’s and the ITP’s (Marielouw, Janet, Annie) who were involved in assisting you to become the Best you can Be!

To be assessed and tested for the IUA umpires must currently be umpiring at the highest national level.

The Next step is SCREENING.


Screening is a process where an umpire is observed on one or more matches of a suitable standard to assess their readiness to undertake an INUA test, based on the INUA grade descriptors. This will involve:
▪ at least one member of the ITP observing the umpire (it is recommended at least two ITPs or one ITP and one ITP Cadet be used where possible);
▪ observation on at least 1 match.

Advice regarding Screening

An umpire is advised of when screening is occurring and the outcome. If the outcome from a screening is that an umpire is ready to undertake an INUA test, this remains ‘live’ for up to six
months of the playing season relevant to the umpire.

Requirements for Tests

International Umpires’ Award Testing Panel (ITP)

  • World Netball appoints a panel of qualified and experienced persons to undertake testing for the award. Although ITP members are spread over different regions, they are authorised to test
    worldwide in line with this procedure.
  • Who conducts the test?
    Two ITP members shall conduct a test and must undertake no other duties during the test. If two umpires are tested on the same game, two separate sets of testers will be required. The testers are required to watch the entire match, unless the standard of the match is deemed inadequate or the
    umpire is unable to complete the match because of illness/injury, in which case the test shall be aborted, and a new test scheduled.

TEST GAME: Leonard had his test game at the Europe Regional Netball World Cup Qualifiers (Oct 2022).

A test will consist of one match (minimum of 60 minutes play). The match must be a fast, competitive game of a standard that will test the umpire’s skill level and indicate their ability to
control international matches. As a guideline, the match standard is defined as being between two teams ranked in the top twelve in the world or the top four participating teams at the Netball World Youth Cup (NWYC), provided it meets the above requirement.

Assessment Standards

Performance Standard for Assessment

Assessment is based on graded performance standards in eight categories.

Grades range from 1 (high level of performance) to 4 (low level of performance). The categories are:
(1) Position & Timing (2) Vision (3) Game Management & Protocols (4) Contact (5) Obstruction (6) Advantage (7) Minor Infringements (8) Communication & Sanctions.

Agreement of Testers
When determining grades, the two testers must come to mutually agreed conclusions.
Grade Met Standard
To gain an INUA, an umpire’s grade total must not exceed 15, and a 3 or 4 in any category leads to a grade ‘Not Yet Met’. If an umpire does not meet the level required, at least 6 months must elapse
before a further test may be taken.



Verbal Feedback:
At the end of a test game, the result must be conveyed to the umpire. Verbal feedback, delivered in
an appropriate manner, should be constructive, honest and helpful.

See the source image

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