The Whistle!

Use your whistle for


Reference to different whistle rolls is no longer in the new rule book.

Using different whistles is not a mandatory rule but rather an umpiring technique.

The only whistle variation required is for signalling timekeeping, where a rolling whistle sound is used.

All other decision-related whistles should maintain a consistent sound, unless they are adjusted in pitch or duration to alter the “tone” for effective communication or game management.

Change in delivery

When umpires feel they need to deliver a stronger message, this can be achieved in several ways including:

  • Change in whistle tone, volume or length.
  • Change in voice tone, volume or speed of delivery (calm but firm).
  • Tactical pause to gain the player’s attention.
  • Firmly state playing position first, followed by the infringement and sanction.
  • Body language.
  • Eye contact with a player.130 Relationships Quotes ideas | relationship quotes, quotes, words


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