Positioning – Part 1 (Attack – near side channel)

Positioning next to the court when you umpire is vital!

There are no skills in umpiring which are more important than any of the other skills.  The secret to very good umpiring is to have all the skills working equally well and together.

  1. All umpiring techniques are interdependent and inter-related
  2. No skill works in isolation from any other skill.  If one is weak, then they are all weak.
  3. Positioning – relative to the “traffic” on court
  4. Vision – look wide, look often, and look early.  The accuracy or inaccuracy of decisions depends not only on sound and knowledge of the rules BUT on what is seen; from where it is seen; and at what point in the move it was seen.
  5. There is a combination of mental and visual assessment when deciding where and when to look.
  6. Change in focus from central vision to peripheral vision


Umpires should have a sound knowledge of the skills of the game and an understanding of spatial awareness.

Part 1 – Nearside channel

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