Tag Archives: sanction

What is a Sanction?

Action taken by an umpire (free pass or penalty pass) against an infringing player, team official or bench player.

The player taking the sanction must:

Take the position indicated by the umpire as follows:

(When the ball is close to a line ALWAYS indicate the area where the sanction is to be taken.)

Goal Third/Centre Third/Inside the Goal Circle, etc…..

For a free pass: Where the infringement occurred.

Obey the footwork rule.

Release the ball in 3 seconds of the sanction being set.

For a penalty pass: Where the infringer was standing unless that will put the attacking side at a disadvantage.

Very important:  Please refrain from bringing the ball back if a player decides to play the ball fast (she is already on the correct spot) and decided not to wait for the penalized player to stand out of play.   Rather call:

“Advantage not out of Play”

It is important for an umpire to set the penalty correctly but it is also the decision of the player with the ball whether she wants to wait or play the ball fast.  (Especially if the penalized player is not in the line of attack.)