Tag Archives: taken

#5 – Shot at goal – Taken!

At times there are some issues with consistency when a shot is deemed to be ‘taken’ or if another penalty is to be awarded.

If the shooter releases the ball after the whistle has been blown and the umpire deems there is no interference from another player, this will be the only shot allowed.

If there is an infringement that interferes with the shooting action whilst the shooter is still in possession of the ball (contact on the ball or on the arm etc.) a new infringement will be called and a sanction issued.

After the shot at goal (penalty pass) has been taken quickly by the shooter (not waiting for the penalized player to stand out of play) and there is at times confusion as to whether the penalty has been set, the umpire can say “taken” – play continues, if the shot was unsuccessful.

**Players have to know this rule – it is not the umpire’s responsibility to say “taken” every time this scenario happens…..